Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

I wanted to say thank you again, that worked.:wink:

Will peppy also work with fusiondSP, because at the moment there is no sound when both are running, or is there already a fix?

PS. If you click on my Avatar, you will find several skins for your resolution :crazy_face:


Hi. I’ve come late to this project. I’ve followed the thread as it’s gone on but not had the time to join in. I would now like to try it out.

I’ve re-read from the beginning but as the project has grown, I’m now un-certain of which steps are needed to actually get started.

Is it possible for someone to make a simple list of the necessary steps? Once up and running I can work things out for my specific needs.

I know that this looks as though I just want someone to do the work for me but I’ve spent a couple of days getting nowhere.

Thanks in advance for any help!

You only need to have your screen already installed

It’s getting to that point that I’m struggling with…

Step: 1
first install and configure the official touchscreen plugin.

step: 2
find your ip address of the raspberry pi with for example “Fing” or look at your screen.

step: 3
open a inetrnet browser and type your raspberry pi ip address with /dev after it.
for example
turn on ssh and plugin test mode.

step: 4
download and install an sftp client for your mac or windows pc, for example WinSCP or Filezilla.

download and unzip it.
take the one that as name" download as plugin"
(it’s all inclusive, nothing other is needed)

step: 6
open your sftp client and login to your raspberry pi, the username is volumio and the password is volumio
and go to /home/volumio and copy the extracted peppy_screensaver folder to /home/volumio

step: 7
open terminal and log in to your raspberry pi
for example: ssh volumio@ (enter) password is volumio

step: 8
type cd /home/volumio/peppy_screensaver (enter)
type volumio plugin install (enter), and the installation will begin.
when it’s done there will be Done! Plugin Successfully Installed.

step: 9

go to setting/plugins/installed plugins and turn on peppymeter screensaver and configure to your screen.
and finished.

good luck!

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What a star! At best I was hoping for a short, typed list. Thanks from me, and possibly a few other ‘latecomers’.

One more variation for the G700 (1280x400) (235.4 KB)


Is there a wiki, or readme from Peppy ?..I wanted to know what all information can be displayed
I also tried to adjust the colour in playinfo.artist, but it doesn’t seem to accept this value…can someone tell me something about this?

And is it possible to change the font for player info, or display it in LCD style font ?

playinfo.artist.pos = 30,355,regular
playinfo.artist.colour = 31,175,255

I have a total portable Volumio/PeppyMeter set that I will take it with me to Thailand’s trip in late October. It consists of RPi 4/2GB, Topping E30II dac, 2 Samsung power supplies (5V 3A & 5V 1.5A), a SD card with Volumio/PeppyMeter installed and will use my Samsung Galaxy S7+ tablet as a screen.

Anyone in Bangkok/Chiang Mai is interested to have me demo it please let me know.




Hi ,
How do you use the tablet as a screen with peppy meter ?

Hehe, Get the promised beer ready. I will be on a Thailand-Vietnam-Cambodia trip.

Hello Guys. After installing Volumio FusionDSP plugin the Peppymeter do not show artist/album and others metadata. The issue remaining also when is FusionDSP plugin uninstalled. The needles are moving but no data shown. Any idea?

Before I got it to work, I was thinking to get a 7" touch screen for Pi but it wouldn’t make it portable as I intended. Then I had an idea of trying to make my tablet (which I will bring with me) as a screen monitor. So I googled on how to make an android tablet to be a RPi monitor. The trick is easy. Just buy a HDMI Video Capture dongle and connect between RPi HDMI port and tablet usb port. You also need to download a USB camera view app on you tablet.

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Maybe you are using a skin that does not have such data?

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Yeah, they are ready. When are you coming?

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In November, if nothing changes. When you are in Poland, beer is waiting for you too :beer::beers:.

I’ll be in Chiang Mai Nov. 1-18. If you have a chance to go to Chiang Mai that time, we can meet. :slight_smile:

have used the same as before…but now without metadata…