Playlist title length problem

Hi All, I’ve noticed that when the title exceeds the length of the “.playlist li” the web ui doesn’t look right (on my iphone) and titles overlap each other.

so I added “overflow:hidden;” to the “panels.css” on line 345 which kind of resolves the problem. I guess there’s a better way, my css is a bit rusty…

(this is on the latest 1.2 version)

Hi, I have had this problem too. I changed /var/www/css/panels.css in the following ways to get them to auto size:

Around line 336, within the .playlist li, .database li block, set height: auto; and add padding-bottom:10px; at the end of the block.

Around line 373, within the .playlist .pl-entry, .database .db-entry block, set height: auto; and add add padding-bottom:10px; at the end of the block.

Around line 378, within the .database .db-folder, .database .levelup block, set height: auto; and add add padding-bottom:10px; at the end of the block.

This only works in Chrome for me, not Firefox. You’ll need to restart the web interface (or just the whole board). There must be a better way for the playlist list items to inherit the correct size.