OPINION: New browsing pages for Volumio

Can I make a shout out for users who already know what music they have (ie no need for discovery), have already organised it via the structure of folders on their NAS (ie one per ‘artist’ (interpret that in any way you choose) with a sub-folder for each album) and have absolutely no interest in any metadata-based look-up (ie the utterly meaningless Genre tag in mp3 files).

I love the fact that I can use Volumio to browse through my music on the basis of the folders that I have created in the past 25ish years (2,400+ top-level folders), so please please please do not damage that access method.

Thank you for listening. :slight_smile:

I am not the only one then! We exist! Yeah don’t worry :wink:

That’s already 3 then :slight_smile:

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it‘s 4 at least

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I love this also, but the awkwardness and primitive nature of volumio for music browsing led me to Roon, which nails it. Until they can solve the above problems, I would not spend on Premium. I only return to Volumio now when I want to hear some new music via spotify connect.