Now Playing artwork and details not working (volspot2)


Great DAP and I am doing a multiroom based on Volumio2. Thanks to all Devs for this awesome software.

Right - Issue with Spotify Connect (Volumio Spotify Connect2 ver0.4.6).

Streaming works wonderffully!

Artwork does not show, it did for a few tunes, then went away never to return. I’ve rebooted the system, changed web browsers and changed spotify sources all to no avail.

Airplay from spotify works and all album art and track info appears, so must be the VolSPot plugin at fault, yeah?

Hi bud,

The volspotconnect2 implementation does not support album art, the volspotconnect (v1) plugin does.
Maybe you’re mixing up the two versions :wink: Airplay and local play do support album art btw.


Awesome, thanks! I’m being dense I’m sure…Thanks for reply!