NFS export from Volumio PC


first of all I’d like to thank Volumio team to have built such a nice et usefull product !

I use volumio on a “old” labtop witch is ethernet connected to my Lan.
I try to mount the /data/INTERNAL from Volumio to another client labtop 18.04.1-Ubuntu

My configurations are

Server (volumio player)

/etc/exports : /data/INTERNAL Chipolata(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

And the server can the the Client :

volumio@coton:~$ ping Chipolata PING Chipolata ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=6.21 ms

I restarted both

When I check what is exported I have :

volumio@coton:~$ sudo showmount [sudo] password for volumio: Hosts on coton:
As I said I missed something I do not export anything…

I had to install the nfs packages to use nfs server (I didn’t seen it in the init.d folder), but I certainly missed something … :question:
When I installed it the /etc/exports has been installed.

And of course on my client I cannot mount the folder.
On my client :
Throught the command line :

sudo mount -t nfs coton.local:/data/INTERNAL /mnt/coton mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting coton.local:/data/INTERNAL

I would try with cifs later … :laughing: