My take on an approach of the GUI

In a other thread I wrote

What do you think of that ?

I’d prefer sunday or monday evening (answered on doodle)

By the way, if we use skype my id is joel_tak
or google hangout :

Yes, he did an amazing work and I talked with him, thought I gave him access for this section. Checking now

As for the teleconference, sounds like Sunday works for people. Michelangelo could you host the call?

It’s a three day weekend for me, and I’m dedicating that time to finishing up the Volumio 2 music library functionality. I hope to get it done fast! :slight_smile:

Yes, I’ll be hosting this. We could do by skype. Everyone involved just add me on skype: alphamezzi

Saw the votes say today, at 9 pm (GMT+2)

See you later guys!

I’m really sorry, I missed it.
Are any notes taken I could take a look at?

I read your email today, if you don’t mind I will still add you on Skype just in case.

Yes, just add me and contact me if you wish. You can basically find the outcome of the conversation in the updated readme file of the (now public) github repo