How to grab image from mpd?

i can get the youtube and radio but if i grab the mdp … albumart it is gibberish
could this made in to a normal link usable external ?

not really a normal url for albumart

any body know a way to get the mdp images when playing local music…
i’m trying to create a rainmeter plugin but local audio images aint there …

in source >> show track number you can switch it on but not off

You are almost there :wink: just prepend the gibberish with http://localhost:3000
So if you are on the pi:


Or in your case from an external device, replace localhost with your Volumio’s address…

@ashthespy nope that’s not working ash that was what i had… doesn’t load in rainmeter because it’s not a image
but a lot of crap for something that looks if there is a image… volumio had to give a normal url and a image to use it …if this crap is in the background working no problem but loading this should be a normal url /image.extention on the end volumio doesn’t give that with the coverart images
if you check radio or youtube image they load without a hassle only the local albumart created by volumio is crap to load… i can create the url to load it in the browser but not if something else wants to use the crap url created by volumio so if some code could convert it to a normal url ending on a image it will work but not like this… because the extralarge is your img
i even was trying to load it in with his own parser so it doesn’t has to load the others but rainmeter doesn’t understand it like this so it would be handy to have it the same as the others… yt and radio they are normal url’s volumio.local:3000/album-art/extralarge.jpg

Well, that is because that URL is for a REST API - you first need to make a GET request, and you will get the image as a response…

# Try something like this
curl "volumio.local/api/v1/getState"

# Grab the correct `albumart` uri and replace `albumart_uri` with it.
curl  "volumio.local:3000<albumart_uri>"

# So in your above example
curl "volumio.local:3000/albumart?cacheid=815&web=10%20CC/The%20Greatest%20Reggae%20Collection%20(3CD1)/extralarge&path=%2Fmnt%2FUSB%2FEx_Pro_3%2Fripped&metadata=false"

If you don’t have curl installed on your Windows machine, try this from putty on the volumio device directly, but replace volumio.local with localhost

I’m not near a volumio machine, so try it and let me know what you get :slight_smile:

i can load it like that in the browser but not in rainmeter …because of the strange url…
if i use the curl command to send it as a button i can can’t curl get with album art
problem is that it has to change every song and with a static url it will not do that…

Then is sounds like an issue with Rainmeter right :wink:
You could of-course write a little scrip that processes these requests for you but I will leave you to explore that :slight_smile:

i can write in rainmeter but i’m more a tech guy give me parts and i build you a pc or network ect …
but no programmer so writing some script out of nothing wil not be the case
btw the extralarge seem to be replaced by the image by volumio…
if volumio could replace it so it wil be uniform like the others you even could use less code …

it’s only the coverart of volumio that laks the normal url so fault should be @volumio and not @rainmeter all the others deliver a normal url ending on a image.ext and only cover art of volumio local files are created like that by volumio … so there is your awnser…

youtube -
radio -
local - http://volumio.local:3000/albumart?cacheid=815&web=10%20CC/The%20Greatest%20Reggae%20Collection%20(3CD1)/extralarge&path=%2Fmnt%2FUSB%2FEx_Pro_3%2Fripped&metadata=false
local doesn’t look anything like a normal image url… with volumio so there is the bug …

While I agree, Volumio isn’t the neatest codebase I’ve come across :grin:, you have to realise that there are a lot of reasons for something being implemented how it is.
When it doesn’t work for your usecase, well then you need to figure out why! :wink:

So, in your case of using Rainmeter, please try their support channels to figure out how to send a REST request… the request returns the file directly - you only have to figure out how Rainmeter should use it…

Again, from a quick search I found this snippet using rainmeter’s WebParser that gives you an idea



that’s the problem it doesn’t download a image i know how to in rainmeter …
while it all works with the others…

only a webparser doesn’t cut it bro :slight_smile: nice try …
i can see the link in my measure but measure doesn’t show image if i set download=1
and you will get no answer by the guys at rainmeter normaly they do very well but…
they can’t help with volumio …they can’t test it … that’s why …

Again, then you should reach out to Rainmeter support, this isn’t a Volumio issue…

FWIW, try looking at how people using tft/ips displays use the cover art.

i can wait years for that ash they won’t because i did already and no anwsers yet look me up
i know a lot of guys there but i got no answer…because they can’t test it …
as i already said a normal url works … a crappy one not… but we will see
i bet i got no answer after a week … or ever… i already had that problem in the beginning and still
no answer on it…

Can you share your rainmeter code that you use now? When I find some time, I will take a look…

is oke shall i clean it up because it’s still in test fase and all other things work
i will post the rmskin… at the bottom of this post you will find it …

@ashthespy hey ash where rewriting the script to load better and he thinks he has a anwser for the problem…
so wait a moment with looking …