Hide volumio in the network

Hi and thanks, thanks, thanks for this great piece of work!
I used volumio 1 at home as a pure airplay reciever for a while, now i’m going for v2 to use it to play music at work :slight_smile:

Here’s my problem: Work means i’m in an office with >20 other people and i don’t want volumio to say hello to everyone in the network.
Is there a way to hide volumio as a network drive? I don’t need this, i just want to use an external usb drive for the music and controll it via the webinterface.

thanks for your help


You can disable the smb server or just the shares then no one will be able to see or connect to the shares.

that sounds good :slight_smile: How can i do this?

Do via ssh

systemctl disable smbd.service

We’ll add a toggle for this in the future…

@volumio may I disable smbd, nmbd, and winbind without disrupting any safety? I prefer to have smbd disabled (dont use it). (the same with shairport which is still enabled in service list)

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