Greatest Hits => One big list....

Hi guys,

I have the following problem: Suppose you have 5 albums from 5 different bands/singers but they all have the same title: Greatest Hits.
Now, when you browse into your library you see these 5 albums, one after another, but when you select one of them, you see the tracks of all of these 5 albums starting with the 1st album called Greatest Hits.
So, when you click on let’s say the 4th album in your list with that name, you still see the tracks of the 1st album, after that, the ones from the 2nd and so on. Even the tracks from the 5th album are show.
And one of the annoying things is that when you want to add one of these albums completely to the queue, all 5 albums are added… Duh!
Anyone have a solution to avoid this?
A solution like renaming the albums as:
Greatest Hits (Band 1)
Greatest Hits (Band 2)
Greatest Hits (Band 3)
Greatest Hits (Band 4)
Greatest Hits (Band 5)
is IMHO not accepted
