Error message during boot process: "Mount : mounting..."

Hello Volumio community,
I downloaded Volumio 2.246 today from
Then followed the simple image writing instructions ( … Guide.html):

    Once download has finished, you’ll have a zip file
    Extract the downloaded zip file and you’ll have a .img image file
    Download and extract Win32DiskImager
    Insert the MicroSD Card on your computer, you could use an external card reader or the SD slot if your computer has one.
    Check that the device name correspond to the microSD card, then browse the files and select choose the image file you want to write.
    To be safe, unplug every External USB Drive you may have connected to your PC
    When ready click on Write and wait for the process to complete
    Exit from Win32DiskImageWriter and eject the SD card
    Done! Volumio is now on your SD Card!

Plugged the microsd with the image into the Raspberrypi 3, and powered the device. On boot I got the message:

I looked around and the only similar post I found is from August 31, and not informative.

I should say that after the message I am asked for the username and password which I provide: volumio. And then I am followed to what is seen in the picture below.

At the moment I am confused if Volumio runs headless, and maybe then everything is fine, it also is not connecting to the network via ethernet either.


this message is due to an unnecessary mount (the device is mounted already) and does no harm.
Nothing to be worried about, it will be removed with the next release.

What you are seeing on your screen is the prompt for a local terminal session.
You do not need that unless you want to tinker with the system.
It will not display anything else as the default install is headlesss, meaning no graphical output on the PI itself.

From your description, it appears your system is e up and running, follow the documentation to access it via a browser on your local network.