DIY Streamer with R2R DAC, 8.8" display


Here’s a project I’ve recently completed.^^

*** Volumio3 - Raspberry Pi4 (2G RAM) with power control by ATtiny85 (MCU)**
*** DIY AD1862 R2R DAC (Miro’s DAC on with Tube I/V stage, and Linear Power Supply**
*** 8.8" IPS Display (1920x480)**
*** Aluminum front panel (6T), steel case, wood case**

For consistency, I used the same steel and wood case I used for my DIY preamp. The aluminum front panel was designed with CAD and CNC machined to mount the 8.8 inch display. It uses 6T thick aluminum and has an anodized finish.

I bought 8.8 inch, 1920x480 resolution from aliexpress.

I made AD1862 R2R NOS DAC and linear power supply by Miro of diyaudio. The analog stage removed the OP IC and added an I/V tube stage (6n23p SRPP).

I added a FET Ripple Filter because of the tube stage. Vacuum tube heaters supply direct current through 7806.

Raspberry Pi 4:
I used the 2G model and installed Volumio3. I modified config.txt for screen output and installed Now Playing plugin for UI. A linear power supply is used for power.


This is really beautiful looking, nice job!

Could you possibly provide a link to the 8.8 screen from Ali express, I am interested in this, as I would like to create a new project for another player.


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Awesome, thank you so much!

Do I need the driver board as well, or will this connect directly to the Raspberry Pi without it and just the cable?

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You will also need the driver board

Hello. Awesome streamer you got there. I also have a 8.8" screen for my streamer.
When I modified the config.txt to include timings I found on the net, it worked for some reason for couple of weeks. Then I turned it off for 2 weeks and it stopped. Since then,I cannot get it to work on my Pi.
Can you share your hdmi timings for your screen? And also perhaps a picture of your Hdmi controller board?
Thank you

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Hi DannyB

It’s my configuration:

hdmi_timings=480 0 30 30 30 1920 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 60 0 55296000 8


The picture below is the hdmi controller board.


Thats beautiful! Id love to try my hands one one those r2r dacs

I’m looking for casing like this and that is nowhere to be found. Yours look beautiful! Any change you can sell me a case (maybe 2 cause I like the looks of the preamp as well)