Disable Volume Control


I don’t want to control the audio volume via volumio, so I already disabled the mixer via the playback settings.
This helped, but the volume control is still shown, but without function.
Is there a possibility to disable volume control completely, so that even the control is no longer shown?

Best regards,

It is possible to do that with some manual editing. You’ll need to edit the webpage serving the controls.

Edit the file /var/www/templates/indextpl.html and add at the end (see below first and last line)

<!-- <div class="span4 volume"> <input class="volumeknob" id="volume" data-width="211" data-cursor="true" data-bgColor="#34495E" data-fgColor="#942531" data-thickness=".25" data-angleArc="250" data-angleOffset="-125" data-skin="t$ <div class="btn-toolbar floatright"> <div class="btn-group"> <!--<a id="volumedn" class="btn btn-cmd btn-volume" href="#notarget"><i class="fa fa-volume-down"></i></a> <a id="volumemute" class="btn btn-cmd btn-volume" href="#notarget"><i class="fa fa-volume-off"></i> <i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i></a> <!--<a id="ramplay" class="btn btn-cmd btn-toggle" title="Ramplay" href="#notarget"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></a> <a id="volumeup" class="btn btn-cmd btn-volume" href="#notarget"><i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i></a> <!--<a id="dbupdate" class="btn btn-cmd" href="#notarget" title="Updating Music DB..."><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></a>--> </div> </div> </div> -->


I tried to comment out the section like described by balbuze.
Its a bit tricky, because of the two already commented out buttons (volumedn and ramplay) you have to add some extra “<!–” to get this work.

First it looks good, the volume control has gone, and the player is also still working.
But when you try navigating in the Browse-Menue it does not work anymore.

I tested a little bit around and it seems, that only commenting out the “input class=“volumeknob”” leads to this unwanted behavior.
And I still found no working constellation with a disabled volume-knob.

This is an old thread, but the issue is still there I believe. It’s just wrong to show a volume control to the user although there is no volume control (e.g., if the hardware has none or if volume control is disabled in the settings). I’d say that’s a bug in the UI.

How/where are bugs reported?