Can't figure out how to get my display to go blank at idle

I’m wondering if I somehow lost the ability for the display to go blank at idle. I’m using volumio 3.251 on a pi4 with the waveshare 7.9 widescreen. I have the now playing, touch screen, and peppymeter plugin. I have the timeout set to the default 120 seconds. It refuses to blank. I thought peppy or now playing was to blame but it still won’t blank with them disabled. It will just show the last song I played indefinitely. It has never worked so maybe I’m missing something in my configuration.

Where should I start?

Do you have the same issue on a fresh Volumio system with just the Touch Display plugin installed?

Please post the results of

cat /boot/config.txt

cat /boot/userconfig.txt

im not sure it worked before the plugins

initramfs volumio.initrd

include userconfig.txt

hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3


Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates

Touch Display rotation setting below: do not alter


Are you on a fresh Volumio installation now?

Config files look good.

Please check if the display blanks as expected if rotation is set to 0 deg.

I haven’t started over yet. I’m hoping I don’t have to. Took me a while to get up and running. I will try rotating to zero.

If that should make no difference you may also try adding


to “/boot/userconfig.txt”. IIRC I have seen posts regarding Waveshare displays where it was stated that this setting was needed for the Touch Display plugin’s screensaver to work.

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adding the hdmi blanking did the trick! thank you so much for the help