Bonjour de France!

Hi everyone!

I’m Fabrizio, 35 years old french guy enjoying music since teenager.

That’s how I stepped into Hifi world 4 years ago, and its geeky dark sides, such as “which cable”, “what speaker height” and even “what sample rate is that file”… The kind of question that gathers us as much as making us weird to people who don’t care.

Anyway, buying a digital amp made me look for the best solution source in terms of “fonctions/quality” : that’s where Volumio enters my space. So far the youtube plug-in, the webradio configuration and the ability to plug an usb external drive to listen directly to music are making my days better :laughing:

So I bought a Rpi 3, installed Volumio and plugged it in my usb amp entry. Sounds good yet not amazing, I think I’ll go for the Allo DigiOne later.

Yet, Volumio is a wonderful software and I am happy to enter this forum to speak about plug-ins, music, and more!