Bit Rate Display

is it a chromium browser or firefox?
the 2.xx version is in its last fase so maybe its wise to switch to 3.xx that one is up to date

Chrome exactly.

that should be good, most of it is build on that browser ā€¦

So Iā€™m getting confused regarding the upper answers. Should be the bitrate info displayed on the ā€œplaying nowā€ screen at least for local files or itā€™s still not implemented? And does it show the dynamic bitrate, or just some static, i.e. what should be read out from the pre-coded track meta data?

does it show the dynamic bitrate.

no, if it does like in radioā€¦ its static

what should be read out from the pre-coded track meta data

id3 tags contain data of the songs , but this isnā€™t used in volumio

id3 tags contain data of the songs , but this isnā€™t used in volumio

So than where does the bitrate info come from, if itā€™s not dynamic read-out and nor from the id tag?

i really dont know im just a user like you.

Ok, but is the bitrate of the track anytime, anywhere, anyhow showed up for you in the GUI with local file playback? (So radios doesnā€™t count).

if its there you can see it in ip/dev but sometimes its empty then it canā€™t.
ā€œsamplerateā€:"44.1 kHzā€,ā€œbitdepthā€:ā€œ24 bitā€,ā€œchannelsā€:2,ā€œbitrateā€:ā€œ128 Kbpsā€

Also good to know, but Iā€™m still talking and asking about the GUI, not the ip/dev request method.

all that is in ip/dev can be shown in a GUI

So the GUI for you can also display the bitrate? So the next thing is to figure, how and from what is the bitrate info is being read fromā€¦

i use it from info i can pull combined in the ip/dev i pull it from the rest api to use it in a rainmeter skin

Sorry, but itā€™s too complicated what you have just written form me. Please letā€™s try to focus on the questions and keep it simple and understandable as it could be for a Volumio newbie (like me)ā€¦

its a part of volumio where you can pull the info provided
iā€™m not a programmer so i understand what your getting at learned somethings in time.

Still donā€™t have clue what you have talked about.

i understand that het you can see how rest api works. with getstate command you can get it.

in the example there you see there is no bitrate included so i cant pull bitrate on that song.

I understand now the API part of it, but thatā€™s totally not what I have asked for. I want to get the bitrate displayed in the GUI as itā€™s expected. Hereā€™s an example: Link
Thoā€™ so far I have only found images on the web showing that itā€™s playing songs from Spotify that has the bitrate info displayed. All in the other cases (like in me too with local file playback) thereā€™s the sample rate displayed rather than the bitrate.

Ok, so now from the lack of any new answers or info, I must conclude that the Volumio never had displayed the bitrate in the GUI in the cases I have asked about (so with local file playback). I guess I have (somehow) misunderstand the statements in the previous posts of this thread, which lead me here to complain about it. (Still would be a good and useful feature to implement it finally, I like to see and know this information displayed constantlyā€¦)

Can we be so lucky that this feature can be seen in the new great release of Volumio 3 :slight_smile:

Available with web radio, but could be so great to have this with everthing streamed with Volumio :slight_smile: