Backgroundcolor of timeknob / android browser


the background color of the time knob is the same
as the general background color in most android browsers.

The background color is set in the indexpl.html in this line:

<input class="playbackknob" id="time" value="0" data-readonly="false" data-min="0" data-max="1000" data-width="100%" data-thickness="0.30" data-bgColor="#34495E" data-fgcolor="#4BBE87">

As said, many android browser ignore the setting >> data-bgColor="#34495E" << .
Chrome/android displays it correctly and most windows browsers also display it correctly.

Any idea how to change this line such that it also works with other android browsers ?



Attached you see two screenshots.
One is Android with Chrome browser, the background is grey => OK !
The other is Android with (most other browsers), no grey background => not OK !

As said before it is in the indexpl.html in this line

<input class="playbackknob" id="time" value="0" data-readonly="false" data-min="0" data-max="1000" data-width="100%" data-thickness="0.30" data-bgColor="#34495E" data-fgcolor="#4BBE87">

How to fix that such that it works in any browser ?



no idea ?