Autoplay on Startup


There have been quite a few postings on how to auto play a web radio station on boot up. I have followed the guides without a reliable result.

Musicbox has a setting for a default web URL and delay time before starting on boot up. I want to achieve the same thing with Volumino reliably.



nano /etc/rc.local

add before the last line , the one with ‘exit 0’ :

(sleep 25; mpc clear; mpc add; mpc volume 25; mpc play )&

or you could load a playlist (in my case Radiostations and nr 5 is my favorit)

(sleep 25; mpc clear; mpc load Radiostations ; mpc volume 25; mpc play 5)&

Kind regards


Thanks Harry for a quick reply.

What version of Volumio are you using? This didn’t work for me.

I need to start up with a simple http authenticated stream, i.e. example - user:password@ I tried my station with out success.

I’ve also noticed Spacial streams not working i.e. example … &method=sc. These stream addresses work in other players.

Adding a web station through the browser just doesn’t work with these type of URL’s. Maybe I need to start with a fresh image of Volumio, or is the interface a little flakey at the moment?