Autoplay on start : mpd faillure.. Volumio 2


As many of us I’d like Volumio to start the last piece of audio it was playing before. After many tries I noticed that mpd seems to have some problem.
The “mpc play” CLI command is supposed to start playing the music that was last loaded.

BUT, ther’s always a “BUT”, don’t you noticed ? :smiley:

I tried scenario A & B using Volumio 2.


  1. Reboot RPi using GUI when playing something.
  2. When GUI back again (not playing), connect via ssh and type: “mpc play”. It’s supposed to unpause/play the music… aleas nothing…


  1. Reboot RPi using GUI when playing something.
  2. When GUI back again (not playing) use GUI button to play the music then Pause the music
  3. Connect via ssh and launch : “mpc play”. it works…

So it seems mpd isn’t dealing well CLI commands…

Any inputs to solve this is very welcome…