Airplay (shairport-sync) MQTT support?

cant seem to figure out how to view/change settings for airplay, dlna etc.

specifically I want to enable the mqtt features that shairport-sync has.

I guess I could just edit the config text file on ssh connection.

we also need the binaries build with the “–with-mqtt-client” flag.

in shairport-sync.conf we have:

// How to enable the MQTT-metadata/remote-service
// For this section to be operative, Shairport Sync must be built with the following configuration flag:
// --with-mqtt-client
mqtt =
// enabled = “no”; // set this to yes to enable the mqtt-metadata-service
// hostname = “”; // Hostname of the MQTT Broker
// port = 1883; // Port on the MQTT Broker to connect to
// username = NULL; //set this to a string to your username in order to enable username authentication
// password = NULL; //set this to a string you your password in order to enable username & password authentication
// capath = NULL; //set this to the folder with the CA-Certificates to be accepted for the server certificate. If not set, TLS is not used
// cafile = NULL; //this may be used as an (exclusive) alternative to capath with a single file for all ca-certificates
// certfile = NULL; //set this to a string to a user certificate to enable MQTT Client certificates. keyfile must also be set!
// keyfile = NULL; //private key for MQTT Client authentication
// topic = NULL; //MQTT topic where this instance of shairport-sync should publish. If not set, the value is used.
// publish_raw = “no”; //whether to publish all available metadata under the codes given in the ‘metadata’ docs.
// publish_parsed = “no”; //whether to publish a small (but useful) subset of metadata under human-understandable topics
// Currently published topics:artist,album,title,genre,format,songalbum,volume,client_ip,
// Additionally, empty messages at the topics play_start,play_end,play_flush,play_resume are published
// publish_cover = “no”; //whether to publish the cover over mqtt in binary form. This may lead to a bit of load on the broker
// enable_remote = “no”; //whether to remote control via MQTT. RC is available under topic/remote.
// Available commands are “command”, “beginff”, “beginrew”, “mutetoggle”, “nextitem”, “previtem”, “pause”, “playpause”, “play”, “stop”, “playresume”, “shuffle_songs”, “volumedown”, “volumeup”