Airplay & DLNA outputs static and pops/clicks on version 1.4


I’m new to the forum so I’m not sure if this is the right place for a bug report. Feel free to move the post to another thread if this is the wrong location.

One month ago I built a Rpi box with Volumio 1.2Beta. I manually compiled gmendiarenderer and updated shairport using putty command line, and everything was up and running. I describe the project here on the JRiver Interact forum: … #msg616967

I recently upgraded to build 1.4, the device shows up for playback, but there are lots of pops and clicks over my usb output device (Halide Bridge usb-spdif converter). In addition, there is nothing but static over airplay. I did some investigating and troubleshooting, and couldn’t get rid of the pops or static despite many attempts with various DLNA and output settings.

So I backtracked and managed to install the following with no problems:

-Volumio build 1.2beta fresh flash, then apt-get update for all applications.

-shairport update to latest version via putty command line - from … erry%20PI/

-Manual installation of UpMPDcl - from

Now it all works great, no pops and clicks or static at all. UpMPDcl sounds great and seems a step in sound quality from gmediarender, and airplay works as long as I manually start and stop playback before using.

I know you are trying to integrate all of these elements in build 1.4, but something must have broke between builds or is causing a resource hang. It seems to work with the previous build with manual installation of the DLNA and Airplay components. Hope this helps. I can send you a system image of the working 1.2 plus shairport and upMPDcl if it helps.

Thanks so much for your development work. Volumio is a brilliant idea and a great use of the RPi!!!

Hi there any chance you could upload that image your works in somewhere so I could get hold of a copy, please?

I’m experiencing a lot pops and clicks a when using airplay also with the latest 1.4 and not savvy enough to troubleshoot as you have.

I’ve since posting this installed Pi MusicBox which works much better with no clicks and pops.

The interface is no as slick but if your primary use is AirPlay, it’s perfect.

I’ll keep an eye on Volumio and hopefully future releases will be better so I can benefit from the nice interface.

I have a cubox-i4pro running Volumio 1.4. Airplay from my iPhone 4s does not work. Gets noise and not music out of the cubox-i…

Michelangelo do look into this when you have time. I will be able to stream spotify over. Will be great :slight_smile:

Hello everyone. I am new to this forum, but not new to Volumio. :slight_smile: Have been using the brilliant Raspberry Pi distribution for months now with my HifiBerry DAC.

I landed on this forum to resolve an issue that I am facing since day 1. Whenever I play using AirPlay, I hear a constant set of clicks and pops. They are actually very noticeable and distracting. For that reason, I have been mostly using it to play my FLAC collection, which plays remarkably well. I would love to have this issue resolved and any help would be welcome.

I am on latest Volumio on a Pi 3. I have upgraded Volumio a number of time in the hope that this will be fixed and sadly it hasn’t. I am guessing it is a configuration tweak around ShairPort that I need to do. Let me know if I can provide any more information.

Thanks in advance for any help I am to get. :slight_smile: