Add AlsaEqual and 3 or 4 EQ Profiles on the GUI

Alsaequal creates /var/lib/mpd/.alasequal.bin when an EQ profile is saved.

Most users would be satisfied to have available 3 shelving filters in addition to a “flat” response curve. A GUI entry on the “Playback” page could allow the user to select one of 4 buttons and simply copy into place the appropriate .alsaequal.bin file in response to the user choice.

For example, the shelving filters might be a -3dB drop above about 400 Hz, a 6dB drop, and a 9dB drop.

Of course, an advanced user could also ssh into Volumio and create a custom EQ curve.

BTW, I already have an .img file with alsaequal installed on Volumio if you have an interest, but it is easy enough to do.

+1 :slight_smile:

+1 :wink:

Hi there,

I also tried to get Alsaequal work and I managed to get a screen in terminal, but changing the faders did’nt alter the sound.
I think the alsaequal was not connected in the audio signal path.
I spend a lot of time and searching forums, but so far no success.
And now I see 3 members who seems to be have it working.

Do you have a tutorial, so that other people like me can use alsaequal? Please?

Here is a quick cut and paste of my notes to install AlsaEqual on Volumio

It has been a while since I have done this, but it should work for you

Start with a vanilla copy of Volumio 1.5x

You will need software for your PC to make it emulate a terminal and have the ability to log into your Pi using secure shell, known as SSH. I recommend Putty which is free, very mature and stable. See

For general Equalizer information, see:

See: … 6f5649a186


update RPi stuff with:

apt-get update (there will likely be some warnings)
apt-get install libasound2-plugin-equal (answer Y when prompted)

If this fails, save /etc/apt/sources.list and replace with:

deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie main contrib

find sound card in use on your system:

aplay -l (for me card and device = 0:0)

Create /etc/asound.conf:

nano /etc/asound.conf

paste in the following lines and save:

ctl.equal {
type equal;

pcm.plugequal {
type equal;
slave.pcm “plughw:0,0”; #card1 would be plughw:1,0

#pcm.equal {

Or if you want the equalizer to be your

default soundcard uncomment the following

line and comment the above line.

type plug;
slave.pcm plugequal;

Then edit mpd.conf:

cp -p /etc/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf.orig

nano /etc/mpd.conf and paste at the bottom (or edit the audio_output section):

audio_output {

             type           "alsa"
             name          "Output"
             #name           "equal"
             device        "hw:0,0"
	 mixer_control	"PCM"
             #mixer_control  "Master"  #May allow volume control on some DACs
             mixer_device   "hw:0"  #edit in case your soundcard is not card0
             mixer_index    "0"
             dop    "no"


Restart mpd:
sudo service mpd restart (ignore the warning about “share” if you get it)

If needed:
/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart

Run equalizer in a terminal window (i.e “Putty”)… run as user mpd:
sudo -H -u mpd alsamixer -D equal

You should see a ten octave EQ
Use left-right arrows to select an octave
Use up-down arrows to increase-decrease volume of selected octave

Q-W-E respectively increase volume for the left-combined-right channels in the selected octave
Z-X-C respectively decrease volume for the left-combined-right channels in the selected octave

Alsaequal creates /var/lib/mpd/.alasequal.bin when an EQ profile is saved

See also:

OR try gnome-alsamixer

sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer